Friday, October 03, 2008

Trans blogs for Obama

I know, it's been a looong time, but this is important. Trans people getting together and showing political enthusiasm as a community.

Trans for Obama page on ActBlue

As Caprice Bellefleur says

a number of trans and allied bloggers are renewing our plea to help the campaign of Barack Obama for president. Back in June a group of us sent out a request for donations to the Obama campaign through a specific page on Act Blue, the online clearinghouse for Democratic action, which was set up with the help of the Stonewall Democrats. The purpose of this effort was to demonstrate to the Obama campaign that we trans people and our allies are a significant group supporting him.

I"m from Illinois and when I saw his speach at the 2004 DNC I said out loud, "He's going to be president someday."

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