Friday, September 02, 2005

Liberal Blogosphere for Hurricane Relief

Liberal Blogosphere for Hurricane Relief

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Hurricane Katrina destroyed thousands of lives.

Together, the liberal blogosphere is raising money for the Red Cross fund for food, water, shelter, and transportation out of the Hurricane Zone.

Please donate now.

Blame Frickin Dr. Evil

I sure do use "frickin' a lot. Thank you, Dr. Evil.

Too bad there isn't a real Dr. Evil style villain around we could lock
up to end some the world's madness. No, the Shrub doesn't qualify.

Thanks to Molly Ivins too!

Waiving fuel economy standards?

I just heard some frickin congressman talk about waiving fuel economy
standards during these times.

That's crazy talk, that's the last thing one should do when there's a
frickin fuel supply problem. They ought to be raising those standards,

It sure is obvious the oil industry owns the government.

A shame in New Orleans: Poverty

N"awlins is a city of just under a half million according to Also according to the census, the poverty rate for the
city is 27.9 percent. 27.9%! That is a national shame of the first
degree and no one in government seemed to be concerned about that. And
we all know why. This government seems to have gone out of its way to
make the lives of poor people (in both urban and rural) areas harder
(especially if they're a minority) in order to reward the wealthy and
those in mostly white upper class regions.

Yes, that's class war talk, but who the heck started the war
constantly harping on "welfare fraud" while Kenny boy Lay was
comitting corporate fraud of the sort not much seen since Neil Bush
days at the Silverado Savings and Loan

A quote from the first president Bush: "We will not rest until the
cheats and the chiselers and the charlatans spend a large chunk of
their lives behind the bars of a federal prison" And no, Neil didn't
go to prison.

Condoleeza on disaster relief?

What the hell? She's the Secretary of State, her job is diplomacy,
foreign affairs. She should be talking about the hellhole that is Iraq.

But I figure the Shrub thinks he needs to show a black face on TV
representing the government so he can't be accused of being racist or
classist in his domestic policy judgement.

The Battle for New Orleans

I am PISSED. This is the US, things should not be going the way
they're going.

What kind of idjit reduces funding for flood control in a flood prone
region that contains a large city. Yes, I blame "Shrub"

Where the heck is the Guard/Army, there are hordes of military bases
down south (which is another rant) Why the heck didn't one of those
big Chinook helicopters drop a frickin generator and emergency medical
personnel at the Superdome. The army has all sorts of "equipment and
facilities in a box" that are designed to be carried to places at a
moments notice.

What the heck is the Department of Homeland Security doing?
FEMA is part of the DHS now, those levees and whatnot could have been
targeted with bombs so why wasn't there more preparation.

And don't tell me that race/class issues didn't play a part in the
governments plans. They have money to buy all sorts of equipment for
Wyoming and Idaho but can't fix the levees near a mostly black, very
poor, rather Democratic city?

My father just said, "Good thing this is his last term." And you know
what, I think the Republicans just lost the 2006 2008 elections.