Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Dear YouTube Makeup Mavens

Been watching a lot of YouTube makeup videos lately. There's a fuckton of women doing them it seems and as you can imagine...I have a rant.

Dear YouTube makeup mavens;

Wow it sure is nice having all sorts of tutorials for all sorts of
looks, but.....

Are any of you over 30? If so I haven't found you yet. It would be
nice to find one of you who wasn't still in college. I'm 42 and I'd
like to see someone near my age try out neat looks.

Do any of you use drugstore makeup? If so, I'd like to know because
some of us use that.

What's with the MAC? Sure it's good stuff, but there's good makeup
in the drugstores too. and geez, do you own it ALL? And how do the
heck do you afford your hauls and stashes that you show off in your
videos? I know some of you get money from YouTube, and some of you
get freebies, and a lot of you are still in college so your parents
support your day-to-day expenses so you can blow all your part time
job as a Bebe/BR/VS/Limited SA money on Makeup. but there are so many
of you that can't be true for all of you. And I know that most of you
aren't licensed cosmetologists so you don't qualify for the
discounts. And how do you all get that big ass Pro 120 color
palette, people shouldn't be selling it on eBay.

Speaking of MAC, could you actually describe your brushed instead of
saying "I'm using a 224" Some of us don't own MAC brushes, that 224
costs $28! you know. The same goes for colors, you say "I'm using Brun
here and show it for only a split second.

It would help to see colors better if your lighting and camera
work didn't suck so much. Maybe you all need to get a friend
to do the camera work, rather than just holding your face close to
the camera (that gives a sort of fisheye effect) and maybe rig up
some sort of umbrella light.

You know, it's kind of funny when you say you're going to show a
"simple neutral look" and then you use a half a dozen eyeshadows on
it, liquid/gel liner and do fake eyelashes.

And about those lashes...almost all of you have a tutorial on putting
them on. How many of those do we need, and besides, the method the
majority of you use is not as easy as doing the "applying the glue on
top of your eyeliner" trick does.

What's with the Mac-centricity? Meaning the 480x360 and 480x320
resolutions of your videos. Not everyone uses the frakkin i-foo
portable devices.

I am not your bitch, I am a fan/viewer. If you say "love ya bitches"
during your videos, I lose some respect for you.