Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm getting the hormone letter

My Therapist is going to write the hormone letter, she told me that yesterday at our session. She's going to contact a colleague who knows the ins and outs of the how of it and do it. And contact me if she needs any more information.

I was...surprised...but yet not. I thought she might say that today...I hoped she might...I don't know why I thought she might already...maybe it was last session when she said she'd read the writings I gave her from this thread.

I basically told her that I was both surprised and not surprised and mentioned that I was worried that I thought she might not do it that she might not see me as "a woman", and that I sometimes felt "not worthy" of it.

She said we'd have to work on that self worth issue next session. Wonder what that will entail.

But I feel happy! Maybe I shouldn't, but I do. I'm getting the Hormone Letter! Me! Something I thought would never happen.

But....I feel changes coming on...yes...yes...the Pink Fog is

enveloping me....MUST...HAVE...Girl

Juice...tee hee.

I should make my blog title look like this:

And I need cute cartoony princessy avatars n such:

And I must have unicorns...

or better yet unicorns WITH rainbows

And animated butterfly gif's, that's a must have.

Tee hee.,

I am such a snarker. :-) I actually do like pink, sparkly, glittery and "girly" moderation.

Friday, April 02, 2010

The Beauty Boomer

The Beauty Boomer is a fashion and beauty blog for women "of a certain age" by Poppy Buxom, whom I know from AF (the USENET group and it's Yahoogroup successor. Poppy's manifesto states it well:

Here's the deal: age and hipness do not have to co-relate. Perceived age is the combination of the impression made by your size, silhouette, complexion, coloring, grooming, clothes, accessories, and makeup. Some of these things can be easily fixed. Others you have to live with. But hipness? Looking in the know? Can easily be tweaked. And that makes you come across as younger.

Friday, March 26, 2010


From the Linuxchix website:

LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux and Free Software, and for women and men who want to support women in computing. The membership ranges from novices to experienced users, and includes professional and amateur programmers, system administrators and technical writers.

In other words, it's a safe haven from the casual misogyny one can sometimes find in the Linux community. The IRC channel is much more active than the e-mail lists it seems.

Now I may not be a woman...yet, but I do sometimes hang in the Linuxchix IRC channel, but not the grrls only one, since I don't think I belong there right now since I'm not living as a woman yet.

I run Yellow Dog Linux 6.2 myself, on my PS3.

Heathers and Mean Girls

Betty Finn was a true friend and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads. Veronica Sawyer in Heathers

Me? I wanted to be kind of like a Heather. Pretty, popular, on the student council. An bookishly preppily femme Queen of the School. Yeah I was stupid, but don't worry, I got better. Not that would have let me in anyway, being a nerdy guy for all that they knew.

Veronica is the real hero, sort of, of the film. And yes, Veronica Sawyer did inspire my name.

There were "Heathers" at my school too, but unlike the Heathers or the Plastics in the Mean Girls film, they didn't wear skirts. What is with that, anyway. It seems in films the Meanie girls are always skirt wearing femmes. They weren't at my school. Well poo on that, I'm a femme, and I'm not Mean...usually.

And yes, the Meanie girls need to be taken down a notch....but that usually happens a few years after graduation. You may be "top girl" at Farmville High, but at Big State Uni, you're nobody. So wacking them with drain cleaner is not necessary.

As for why Mean Girls exist and what we should do about them...others smarter than me have written books about it. You're better off reading them. But most Meanies build up their power base over years so all you have to do is shut them down while they're young. Make sure the Proto-Mean Girl doesn't get to monopolize leadership positions, have an open policy towards sports/cheerleading (ie let everyone who tries out in), and clamp down on the subtle bullying the Meanies do. You also have to make certain the teachers themselves don't show favoritism to the future meanies, coz sometimes they do.

Heathers and Mean Girls are fun films to watch, and well worth owning.

Is the VeronicaMoonlit a Transsexual? Yes.

Yes, I am. And I'm finally doing something about that, which would make certain internet friends I have lost contact with, very happy.

So, I'm in the counseling stages to get the hormone letter, and pricing hair removal.

Is the VeronicaMoonlit a feminist? Yes.

Yes, yes I am. I've identified as such for years. Lets see, I think it was before Anita Hill, somewhere between 1988 and 1990. I began identifying more strongly with feminism with the rise of Third Wave feminism. In fact, it was a series of articles and interviews in Glamour magazine about and by Naomi Wolf and Susan Faludi that did so.

I would describe myself as a pro-porn, pro-choice Third Wave feminist. Though the anti-abortion folks would have less to complain about if people were encouraged to use birth control...but some anti-abortion folks are against that too.

I'm a practical feminist, I don't go for that deconstruction and theorizing, it hurts my head. I like to keep it simple.

Funny thing is, I sometimes agree to a certain extent with the radfems and separatist feminists on the "Men are teh suckage in general" issue, but they think MTF transfolk are teh devil. Also, men suck because our society doesn't in general teach men how to NOT suck, and separating yourself from men means you aren't part of the solution.

So yes, I am a feminist.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Dear YouTube Makeup Mavens

Been watching a lot of YouTube makeup videos lately. There's a fuckton of women doing them it seems and as you can imagine...I have a rant.

Dear YouTube makeup mavens;

Wow it sure is nice having all sorts of tutorials for all sorts of
looks, but.....

Are any of you over 30? If so I haven't found you yet. It would be
nice to find one of you who wasn't still in college. I'm 42 and I'd
like to see someone near my age try out neat looks.

Do any of you use drugstore makeup? If so, I'd like to know because
some of us use that.

What's with the MAC? Sure it's good stuff, but there's good makeup
in the drugstores too. and geez, do you own it ALL? And how do the
heck do you afford your hauls and stashes that you show off in your
videos? I know some of you get money from YouTube, and some of you
get freebies, and a lot of you are still in college so your parents
support your day-to-day expenses so you can blow all your part time
job as a Bebe/BR/VS/Limited SA money on Makeup. but there are so many
of you that can't be true for all of you. And I know that most of you
aren't licensed cosmetologists so you don't qualify for the
discounts. And how do you all get that big ass Pro 120 color
palette, people shouldn't be selling it on eBay.

Speaking of MAC, could you actually describe your brushed instead of
saying "I'm using a 224" Some of us don't own MAC brushes, that 224
costs $28! you know. The same goes for colors, you say "I'm using Brun
here and show it for only a split second.

It would help to see colors better if your lighting and camera
work didn't suck so much. Maybe you all need to get a friend
to do the camera work, rather than just holding your face close to
the camera (that gives a sort of fisheye effect) and maybe rig up
some sort of umbrella light.

You know, it's kind of funny when you say you're going to show a
"simple neutral look" and then you use a half a dozen eyeshadows on
it, liquid/gel liner and do fake eyelashes.

And about those lashes...almost all of you have a tutorial on putting
them on. How many of those do we need, and besides, the method the
majority of you use is not as easy as doing the "applying the glue on
top of your eyeliner" trick does.

What's with the Mac-centricity? Meaning the 480x360 and 480x320
resolutions of your videos. Not everyone uses the frakkin i-foo
portable devices.

I am not your bitch, I am a fan/viewer. If you say "love ya bitches"
during your videos, I lose some respect for you.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

in hospital

I'm in the hospital OSF st jo in bloomington, the catheter they put in at ST james didn't work from the moment I left there. Went back the next day. tehy found out there was some brick wall up in there that was blocking it and that it actually wasn't in the bladder in the first place. They sent me down here, where urologist tried to clear block but couldn't, my urethra is simply to diseased and in such bad shape. I have two choices, wear a pubical catheter for the rest of my life or have major surgery that few people do. I would have to go to a big city for that.

the hospital tv's have a kind of webtv thing that's letting me post to blogger but mHB is blocked. So if any mHBers see this, let everyone know, okay.

I don't know how long I'm going to be here, turns out the UTI that st james thought I had was wrong, it was a different one that needed a different antibiotic.. I also found out my potassium level is a little low, just like mom's. I feel like crappe, sore, because of what the urologist tried to do to my penis something leaked into my scrotum and it's swollen and hurts like heck to touch. sitting up is uncomfortable for long periods but I can do it though it tends to make the swelling worse. They were worried about my blood pressur at first because it was high, but it returned to what is normal for me, which is a little low once I got calmed down and more comfortable. They also were worried about my blood sugar but that's been normal except for the first time they tested.

Wishing mHB the best.

in hospital

I'm in the hospital OSF st jo in bloomington, the catheter they put in at ST james didn't work from the moment I left there. Went back the next day. tehy found out there was some brick wall up in there that was blocking it and that it actually wasn't in the bladder in the first place. They sent me down here, where urologist tried to clear block but couldn't, my urethra is simply to diseased and in such bad shape. I have two choices, wear a pubical catheter for the rest of my life or have major surgery that few people do. I would have to go to a big city for that.

the hospital tv's have a kind of webtv thing that's letting me post to blogger but mHB is blocked. So if any mHBers see this, let everyone know, okay.

I don't know how long I'm going to be here, turns out the UTI that st james thought I had was wrong, it was a different one that needed a different antibiotic.. I also found out my potassium level is a little low, just like mom's. I feel like crappe, sore, because of what the urologist tried to do to my penis something leaked into my scrotum and it's swollen and hurts like heck to touch. sitting up is uncomfortable for long periods but I can do it though it tends to make the swelling worse. They were worried about my blood pressur at first because it was high, but it returned to what is normal for me, which is a little low once I got calmed down and more comfortable. They also were worried about my blood sugar but that's been normal except for the first time they tested.

Wishing mHB the best.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I just had to do it. I used this ImageMagick based perl script to caption the images


Yes We Can!

Obama wins, and I am very happy.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Glade Lady

Ahh the Glade Lady in those commercials. I know you've seen them.

Friends are coming over and she wants her house to smell nice, so she pulls out a Glade candle. But oh, her friends mustn't know she uses Glade candles rather than overpriced candles from Bath and Body Works, White Barn Candles, those Yankee Candles, or whatever overpriced Candles of the week those upper-middle class wannabe's crowds tell them to buy. So she pulls of the label and throws it away, but it sticks to her LBD without her knowing. It's a nice LBD by the way, she's wearing pearls with it, it appears to be before 5pm. Her friends ring the doorbell, she lets them in. Her very casually dressed sweaters n' dockers clad friends. They enjoy the smell and ask if she baked, (I remember the older version where she used the candle to disguise the fact that she was serving a pre-cooked purchased pie), this time she says no it's a candle...from france. But then one of her friends sees the sticker and says, "Haven't you ever heard of Glah-day".

Then there's the one where she's in her tub at home and a friend calls and she says she's at the spa with some wonderful spa fragrance blissing her out, and then her husband knocks on the door and her friend asks, who's that and she says, "my aromatherapist"

Don't forget the suburban Yoga one. What's suburban yoga? That's Yoga for women who aren't really interested in the spiritual aspects, just in bonding with their friends, wearing cute yoga wear, using it as excercise so they can still fit in their size 6's, and basically doing yoga as a status symbol.

Well at least Glade lady is doing the class at home. Her house smells nice and her friends ask what it is and she says it's a boutique fragrance that helps her plug in to her karma. and one of her friends says, "Yeah, Glade plug in"

The Glade lady symbolizes one of the things that's wrong with America. A heavy focus on appearing affluent even when you're not. Glade lady can't admit she uses glade, that would be declasse, just like people like her don't like admitting they shop at Target and would die before shopping at JC Penny or worse, Sears. (Which led to other people inventing the Tar-zhay thing to make fun of them). Ladies like her can't comparison shop for hair care and get a cheap blowout from some nice lady who's been doing hair for years, they always go to the overpriced pretentious "salon" that the other desperate housewife cougar wannabe's go to. Glade lady does yoga and pilates and says she goes to spas because she wants to appear more affluent than she is.


Glade lady should say, "Like my candle, it's glade, smells great doesn't it, only $2.99. Do you really want to spend money in those pretentious candle shops in the mall in these economic times?" "Like my dress? Got it at JC Penny on sale, $49 bucks. Pearls, K-Mart. pretty aren't they. Makeup? Walgreens. And that aint no miracle $20 mascara I'm wearing, I've got fake lashes, look great don't they. $2.99 Andrealash #33's. Where's the big SUV? We sold it, because it was stupid for us to buy it in the first place, we only got 1 kid and we never go off road. We're selling this big 2500 square foot MChouse in this subdivision and moving back to the city, no more wasting time and money on long commutes."

Like that will happen.

Oh, by the way, the name of the pretty redheaded glade lady actress is Dori Kelly

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