Thursday, May 18, 2006


Thanks to vodcast #18 for clueing me on this.
Know all those flash videos on youtube, myspace, grouper, etc,
(Like say this one: :-) ) and how you
can't save them for later? Or if you're running a non x86 Linux
without a flash plugin that you can't see them at all?

Keepvid is an online tool that works in a similarly to sites
like tinyurl. But instead of shortening a URL it gives you a
link to the real flv video, that you can actually save and play,
watch, or convert at ones leisure. is a geeky and informative vodcast hosted by Cali
Lewis aka Luria Petrucci, who rivals Paige Davis of the classic
Trading Spaces on the Adorably Cute and Perky scale.

You can subscribe to the cast via iTunes, it's free. It's in
iPod format, watch it via Quicktime or in iTunes itself.
Mplayer, ffplay, etc should do the trick in Linux.

PSPVC, a graphical PSP video conversion tool for Linux

I've been envying Mac OSX users their FFMPEGX software for a
long time. Although standard command line ffmpeg works, it can
be difficult to get it working properly, sometimes it required
patching with not-ready-for-primetime patches, or required
finding somebody's altered version of the code. It was also
very difficult to get H.264/AVC encoding to work. And then you
had command line options to deal with which have changeds with
various releases of the source. Sometimes a ffmpeg binary that
did create working videos wouldn't do so when you upgraded the
PSP's firmware. Or if they did work, perhaps titles weren't
displayed correctly in the PSP file browser.

PSPVC changes that. It's basically ffmpeg sources with specific
patches, and x264 code, plus a GTK 2 graphical interface. To
get it compiled and installed you just run the install script.

The GUI is simple and I wish there were a few more options in it
(you still pretty much have to create the .THM thumbnails from
the command line and perhaps output choices for iPod video too
would be good), but it works


VNC lets one control their computer remotely as if they were
sitting in front of it. You see what's on the screen and can
operate the computer the same way. Sure WinXP has remote
assistance but it's not the same thing. In WinXP home Ican
request assistance but cannot control another machine with it.

VNC is also cross platform, meaning you can run the server on a
windows machine and control it from a Linux box, or vice versa.

Everyone should have VNC installed on their computer, that way
if you're having computer problems, instead of trying to tell
your friendly computer geek friend what you see on your screen,
she can actually see the screen and directly help you fix your

Makeup, it takes believing in. Like a magic carpet, it's belief
that makes it fly. Otherwise, it's just a rug.
If you believe in it, makeup has a magic all it's own.
Of course, makeup is only dime-store magic. But it works well
enough, when it's used properly.", the makeup artist, from the
book Sooner or Later, based on the 1978 TV movie of the same


Well gee, instead of complaining about Mexicans sneaking across
our border and building a wall and militarizing it, why not work
on making living conditions inside Mexico more like that of the
U.S. Then they wouldn't want to sneak

But with Mexico overpopulated as it is, and with corrupt
police/government (when the tourist books tell you how bad it is,
it's bad), and your typical Latin American socio economic system
where you have a few European descended folks who own and
control virtually everything and a whole bunch of dirt poor
folks of mostly Native American descent, who wouldn't want to

Another part of the problem is that US business and government
wants Mexico to stay that way so we can take advantage of their
natural resources and labor for our own benefit.

Makeup, it takes believing in. Like a magic carpet, it's belief
that makes it fly. Otherwise, it's just a rug.
If you believe in it, makeup has a magic all it's own.
Of course, makeup is only dime-store magic. But it works well
enough, when it's used properly.", the makeup artist, from the
book Sooner or Later, based on the 1978 TV movie of the same